Tuesday 13 December 2011

Abel Tasman Pictures

Marahua, the start of our five days of tramping in the Abel Tasman National Park (tide is out)

Anchorage Bay, the site of our first nights hut

Second Morning crossing the estuary at low tide--the boats literally just end up on the sand!

Shoes are off, because even though the tide is out there are still many pools we had to cross to make it through the 1.5km estuary
This is a low-tide crossing we had to do on day 3.  Yes, we did get here at low tide, but even then it was a pretty deep stream!

Third nights hut at low tide--we arrived just as the tide was coming up, and we almost didn't make it to the hut.  Literally the water comes right up to the grass when the tide is in.

Mr. Crab!!

Group of school children crossing the estuary we crossed on the fourth day of hiking
Ang crossing the estuary on the morning of the fourth day.

Fourth day of hiking

If you look closely, you'll see lots of people walking along the beach with their packs; there were lots of groups of school children on school trips when we were hiking, and this is one of the groups walking just in front of us.  This is one of the many beaches that we hiked along throughout our tramp.

Steve and a weka (NZ bird!)
AquaPackers--our floating hostel that we stayed in on the fifth night in Abel Tasman.

Steve in the bunk cabin--quite close quarters, but a really fun time!

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