Saturday 5 November 2011

And we're off!!

Today is the day--we are finally off on our adventure.  We fly from Toronto to LA, and then on to Auckland--21hr in total duration....exciting!!!  Even though we leave at 645pm tonight, we don't arrive in Auckland until Sunday morning.  The plan is to be in Auckland for a few days (trying to battle the jet lag) and then start off on our New Zealand tour.  Expect a blog update every few days--I know you are all excited to hear about our trip!!!

Finally, we'd like to thank everyone who has offered us hospitality over the past few weeks--it was wonderful to be welcomed into everyone's homes and have some nice visits before we set off.

As promised, more pics!!  I do apologize to anyone from provinces other than BC and Alberta--your provinces are also beautiful, but didn't quite make the photo cut!

Lake Louise

Icefields Parkway--very beautiful drive!

Gotta love the car!!

Next post--from down under!!

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